The Tutankhamun edition
The anthology commemorating the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb is OUT NOW.
We are very proud of the work in this centenary publication, marking 100 years since the tomb was found in the Valley of the Kings.
Here is out contributor list including poetry, prose and art work. More info to come!
Contributors' list
The Transit Houses Martin Potter
Wadi al Muluk (Valley of the Kings) Anthony J. Parker
Valley of the Kings Merril D. Smith
Valley of the Kings Kitty Donnelly
Tracery Marilyn Humbert
Desert Fresco Marilyn Humbert
In The Valley Of The Kings Beth Brooke
I Make My Pilgrimage To Egypt Beth Brooke
British Museum, 1972 Lesley Curwen
Exhibition, 1972 Kathy Miles
Teenage Crush Alison Lock
One rain-slant day, July, 1972. Alison Lock
Excavation Leigh Anthony Manley
House of Eternity Michael Caines
Hussein Abdel Rasoul steps back Rhona Greene
The Opening Kathy Miles
The Lotus Cup Dreams of Paris Sarah Wallis
Breakthrough Ian Richardson
Plea Ian Richardson
The Day the Pharaoh Passed Ian Richardson
Time’s witness Matt Gilbert
Light in dark Lesley Curwen
Ante-room Rosemary Appleton
Lost riches Matt Gilbert
Reckoning Matt Gilbert
Semi-Precious Louise Longson
Loot Anthony Paticchio
In Memory of Mummies
317a and 317b Roger Hare
Wading In A Field Of Reeds Vikki C.
Nefertiti Z.R. Ghani
The lost time of Regine Ebner
baboons and kings
Caernarvon’s dream? Miles Hovey
Midnight, in Secret Gillian Craig
“Everywhere the glint of gold” Lisa Falshaw
For Our Daughters
(317a & 317b and Alba & Rose) Louise Longson
Master of Mysteries, Louise Longson
Guardian of the Dead
Desecration Mary Earnshaw
As below, so above Daniel Duggan
Cartouche Sue Spiers
Unforeseen Lesley Curwen
The Weight of the Heart Sue Finch
Looking On Sue Finch
Promising Forever Sue Finch
Tutankhamun’s Heart Patricia M. Osborne
What is in a name? Briony Collins
The Fan Elaine Hughes
Masked Ness Owen
Souk of the King Kate Dowling
The Boy King Emma Smith
He Is That Sun Paul Brookes
A Green Glass Paul Brookes
The hunt Oormila Vijayakrishnan Prahlad
Repose Oormila Vijayakrishnan Prahlad
The Beautiful Festival of the Valley Iris Anne Lewis
The curse Sarah Connor
Hathor crafts a wishing cup Ankh Spice
To fire the cold wick Ankh Spice
of the world
317a, 317b: meri-Maat Ankh Spice
Papyrus Larissa Reid
The golden scarab Jane Dougherty
The Weighing of the Heart Tim Fellows
Aligned Tim Fellows
The Wreath Alice Stainer
Operation of Entombment Matthew M. C. Smith
Caernarvon’s dream? Miles Hovey
The Sole Survivor Allen Gaw
Funeral Rites Allen Gaw
Wonderful Things Tracey Rhys
The Trials of Tutankhamun Adrian Harte
Sacred (3) Georgia Hilton
Hegemony Philip Berry
Dissolution Lynn Valentine
to Horus, a pendant prayer Brian Thompstone
Tutankhamun V.B. Borjen
Glyphic Shadows Jeffrey Yamaguchi
The Story Helen Openshaw
The Field of Rushes Christopher Martin